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Why I have trust issues!

Hi! It has been a while I know! So much has happened in the last couple of months. I think it has been over a year since my last blog. So much has happened, so much has changed.

To start off, I am Muslim now (I will blog about it some other day). The second biggest thing in my life right now, I will be a graduate soon. Besides these two things, not much has changed. My life is still boring (well eventfully boring) and I still have trust issues.

I have always had trust issues. I can never really trust people 100% I don’t even trust myself so how can I trust others? There is only 1 being in this entire existence that I trust, GOD. To be honest I do not really know where it all began but one thing I know for sure is what triggers it. I hate it when people make promises they cannot keep. I hate it when people give me false hope, I hate many things. I do not know why people do things like that. I am guilty of doing the same. Giving people a sense of hope only to crush it with a few words. Recently I have been wondering, what if I was cold heated? What if I could survive without any form of human contact? What if I didn’t trust anyone? Wouldn’t that make things easier?

Okay, here is the thing, it’s not that I do not trust people. The problem is trust comes with a tag called disappointment. It’s like every single time I trust someone disappointment swiftly follows. How then can we live in a world without trust? Perhaps I expect too much from this world. I expect too much from myself, my friends and my family. Perhaps I need to take a few steps back and let everything go… hope, expectations, memories and trust.

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Eat, Explore, Encourage
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Hello everyone! My name is Nancyanne.

I love travelling, blogging and eating good food. Hope you find this site interesting. 

Please join me as I travel across the world in search of love, happiness and security. 

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